Week 3 is wrapped up, and damn, it was a tough one. Turn out, for all 4 teams, was less than stellar, but a couple of key subs turned up and we got the games in regardless. Thanks Jeremy, Michelle, Greg and Rodney. So, let that be a lesson to you all who didn't get on to a team: Show up, yr services are needed and appreciated. On to the rad...
Walruses of Mass Disapproval- 38
Animal Kingdom got off to a bang in this one scoring 7 runs in the 1st and shutting down the WMDs in the bottom of the inning. The Walruses proceeded to tusk (walruses don't have claws) their way back into it in the ensuing innings with some well placed kicks and tough D; The 10 run 6th inning being the difference maker. A couple more late inning rallies put the WMDs out of reach and they cruised like missiles to the W.
Game 2 1/8 Mexican- 34
Call Me I$hmael- 17
This one came down to the subs. 1/8 Mexican was missing several key players and picked up 3 subs just to get in the game, each of whom came up huge in the end. For the "Whalers", it was another tough loss in a tough start to the season. Struggling on both sides of the ball, they couldn't manage to put together any runs to cut into the lead that the Mexis built through the early innings. Collin and Zach both hit, arguably, the longest shots of the season for breezy home runs and played some tough D. With the victory, the Mexis remain undefeated going into a week 4 rematch with the revamped Walruses of Mass Disapproval. Shit will hit the proverbial fan. In the other game, Call Me I$hmael will be looking for their first win and some redemption against the Animal Kingdom.
Currently, the standings look like this...
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