International Danger Kickball Association
Rules and Regulations
I- The Basics
A-Don’t be a bum. Bring beer and share. This is the founding principle of the IDKA.
B-A team must have at least 5 players to play the game or they forfeit. Stand-ins should be available.
C-Every team must field their own pitcher. (Exception: 5 on 5 games, with agreement between teams)
D-No fighting. Leave that at the bar.
E-No cheating. We’re all here to have fun.
F-10 Run Rule: If it’s the 1st – top of 9th inning you can only score 10 runs per inning.
G-Basic baseball rules apply; though, there are a few differences…
II- Kicking
A-If you kick the ball down either hill twice in the same at bat, it is an out.
B-Did we mention, NO BUNTING, EVER?
C-Ground rule doubles: If a fair ball, after it has been kicked, bounces out of play (ie. over the fence) it is a ground rule double. This includes, but is not limited to, bouncing off of a fielder, ground, or runner.
D-We cannot stress this enough: NO BUNTING! EVER! This is f---ng kickball, not a tickle fight.
E- With that in mind, a fucked up kick is not considered a bunt. It’s a fuck up. A soft kick at a fielder is also not a bunt. We know when yr bunting. You will be called back to kick like a man.
III- Running the Bases
A-1st base can be over run. 2nd and 3rd cannot.
B-Tie goes to the runner.
C-Infielders cannot block the base line.
D-If an infielder causes the runner to fall off the base or interferes with the runner, the runner will be safe.
E-No tripping the runner! Seriously…
F-Base runners may leave base only after the ball is kicked by the batter.
G-No lead offs.
H-No stealing bases.
I-On fly balls, the runner may “tag up” and leave the base once the ball touches the defender.
J-Runners may tag up on fly balls in foul territory.
K-Runners cannot advance on dropped fly ball attempts in foul territory.
L-Runners hit in the head/face are safe.
M-If a runner is hit by the ball when they are off base, even if it was the kicker that hit them, runner is out.
N-Runner will be given 2 bases on an over-throw that leaves the field of play (ie. over the fence).
O-On the third out, a runner can score if the third out is unforced and the run is completed before the out is made. Run’s do not count if a force play causes the third out. (ie if a runner is tagged for the third out, all runs coming in before the tag count, if a fielder touches a base for a forced third out, none of the runs count on that play even if they were before the out).
IV- Fielding
A-Fly balls caught in foul territory are outs.
B-Fly ball catches attempted in foul territory, and dropped in foul territory, are considered foul balls. Runners may not advance.
C- Fly ball catches attempted in fair territory, and dropped/bobbled into foul territory, are considered fair balls. Runners may advance.
D-On fly ball attempts, fielder must have control of the ball and the ball may not touch the ground for an out to be recorded.
E-The ball can bounce off of unlimited people, or body parts, and still be caught for an out, as long as it never touches the ground. This has been dubbed playing “volleyball”.
F-Outfielders may not come into the infield until the ball has been kicked.
G-If you throw the ball and it hits a runner that is off base, the runner is out.
H-The ball is dead and runners cannot advance a base when the ball is thrown back to pitcher. And no, hucking a ball from the outfield and yelling ‘Pitcher!’ does not count as the pitcher receiving the ball. Let’s be reasonable. A ball that is deliberately thrown to the pitcher from a reasonable distance will signal stoppage of play.
I-If yr pitcher is pitching inadequately, they may be asked to be replaced with someone more adequate. It is the captain’s charge to ensure their pitchers are up to the task.
V- Foul Balls
A-If a ball rolls over 1st or 3rd base or inside the foul lines when kicked, it is considered fair.
B-A ball that crosses the foul line before reaching 1st or 3rd base is considered foul.
C-A ball that lands in fair territory and rolls into foul territory after passing 1st or 3rd base is considered fair.
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